WINDHORN Subsector H: New Era data as of 001-1202 /Imperial era data
as of 001-1120.
Subsector Maps: 1202 &
World Name | HEX | UWP | BS | Trade | PPG | AL | Stellar |
Oksathughhaedzae | 2519 | E553678-5 D553678-4 |
Po Ni M:1 Po Ni M:1 | 204 204 |
Va Va | K8V | |
Tagan | 2611 | B767744-B B767644-B | Ag Cp M:0 Ag Ni M:0 | 112 412 | Tp Va | G8V | |
Oudhoegzen | 2815 | C574773-8 B574673-8 | C C |
Ag Ag Ni | 231 731 | Tp Va | F1V M9V |
Unarsukhgnargvo | 2919 | D558324-8 B558403-A |
Ni Lo M:2 Ni M:2 | 914 114 | Ts V7 |
K5V M3V | |
Igodosakfell | 3013 | B8769A7-B A876977-9 | G | In In | 122 222 | Tp V7 | M1V |
Ourrgkhuzugh | 3017 | X300000-0 B300322-A | C |
Va Ba Va Ni Lo | 011 311 | -- V7 | M2V |
Tsougak | 3020 | C5658A5-8 A565975-B | G |
Cp Cp | 911 111 | Ts V7 | F8V |
Gvunaeknun | 3115 | C889544-A C889123-A | Ni M:1 Ni Lo M:3 | 604 804 | Tp V7 | G4V | |
Loudzaedze | 3116 | C66A777-8 B66A677-9 | Wa Aq M:0 Wa Aq Ni M:0 | 101 901 | Tp V7 |
K9 III M3V | |
Llaedh | 3117 | D887698-7 C88769A-7 | Ag Ni M:3 Ag Ni M:3 | 304 304 | Tp V7 | F8V | |
Guekha | 3119 | XAA7000-0 DAA7235-7 | Fl Ba Fl Ni Lo | 012 412 | -- V7 | M0V | |
Korstsouth | 3120 | E54A675-6 B54A777-B | G |
Wa Aq Wa Aq | 701 901 | Ts V7 | K7V M4V |
Irkoetae | 3217 | E99658A-5 C99658A-5 | G |
Ag Ni M:1 Ag Ni M:1 | 504 504 | Tp V7 | G9V |
Khugz | 3218 | X9B3000-0 D9B3104-A | C |
Fl Ba Fl Ni Lo | 015 115 | -- V7 | M4V |
The Tsougak Trade Federation once ran from Saelfaek (Windhorn
2822) up through Igodosakfell (Windhorn 3013). While the three rift
worlds weren't members, they were on good terms and traded heavily with them.
Once the Sunggoe Combine was swept up in Disjuncture fever, the Trade
Federation lost its largest external trading partner. While many suggested that
the Trade Federation could go it alone, the newly formed 17th Disjuncture
issued an ultimatum: join or perish. Lacking the muscle to take them on, the
Tsougak Trade Federation chose to join.
As marauding vessels from the 17th Disjuncture returned from their rimward
attacks upon Imperial worlds, they brought back infected technology. Once
plugged into the Disjuncture's network, Virus spread throughout its members. Word
of the plague made its way up to the Tsougak Main just before its arrival.
While some worlds were able to prepare and protect themselves, many could not.
Independent Tagan (2611) received ample warning from its neighbor and #1
trade partner, Igodosakfell. Located out in the Windhorn Rift, it was easy for
Tagan to seal itself off from the rest of the subsector. They were spared the
effects of Virus and became the foundation for the Tagan Pack, a
confederation of nine worlds looking to rebuild civilization in their corner
of the Vargr Extents.
World Write Ups:
Guekha Gvunaeknun Igodosakfell Irkoetae Khugz |
Korstsouth Llaedh Loudzaedze Oksathughhaedzae Oudhoegzen |
Ourrgkhuzugh Tagan Tsougak Unarsukhgnargvo |